Casual Hook-Up Rules on

Casual Hook-Up Rules on

It may not be apparent, and, probably you might even question it but there are certain delicate rules involved when it comes to casual hook-up. Below is some casual hook-up rules you should keep in mind.

Do not act like a girlfriend/boyfriend

Remember that you are in a casual hook-up – no commitments, just pure fun. Make sure that you and the other party is on the same page when it comes to the commitment of the casual relationship. Draw a line and clear things up right away; hence hurt feelings can be avoided in the future. Avoid developing strong emotional attachment if you do not mean to last it longer. You sure do not wish to lead the fun into complication in the near future.

Do not be confused with what you feel

Few days after that one-night stand, you might feel, or better say think, that you are seriously falling for the other party. That might probably happen (especially if the other person meets your standards for a partner or simply is being caring and thoughtful, girls do likely fall for the latter), but this might also be a confusion. To determine what you feel, try avoiding that person for few weeks. If you miss them, then you probably have really fallen for them. If not, just move on as what you are experiencing is just a mild infatuation.

Set Ground Rules

In casual hook-up, there are no fast and hard rules. Nevertheless, that does not mean no rules should exist. Setting ground rules is important so you would be able to learn your limitation. You and your casual hook-up partner should agree to the set ground rules so intricacies in the future can be avoided.

Jealousy is not allowed

Remember that you do not have the right to poke your nose into your casual hook-up partner’s relationship with other individuals. Whether they have other date or hook-up, that is none of your businesses. Do not expect an explanation from them or probably even ask about the person they are dating. Bear in mind that you are their casual hook-up partner (sleeping partner), and not their lover nor their significant other.

Manipulation is a No-No

Never ever, allow your casual hook-up partner to control you. Usually, the other party tries to acquire control over the other. The dominant one usually ends up choosing when to hook-up. If your partner is showing signs about seeking power over you, immediately protect yourself and your heart and walk away unless otherwise you are head-over-heels in love with them (which is a no-no in a casual hook-up) and is ready to face the consequence.

To ensure that your hook-up experience here at is a great one, keep in mind those rules. There are numerous other rules such as avoid asking favours, set an expiry date so you would not be trapped in the casual relationship (that is a killer!), and accept the fact that your hook-up partner does wish for a serious relationship but likely not with you.

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